Schoolhouse #8 Support
~ Memorial Funds ~


The significant progress realized on the Schoolhouse #8 "Restoration / Museum Project" has resulted from the combined support of Memorial Funds, Government, Individuals, Businesses, Churches, Educational Institutions, Professional Organizations, Volunteer Organizations, and the Schoolhouse #8 Board of Trustees.

The substantial financial support received via the following Memorial Funds was critical in ensuring the financial viability of the project. Those funds came from: 


 In Memory of Doris Harkness Reiser 

Shirley Beyer

Carol & Don Gebhardt

Gail & Joyce Harkness

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hayden

Mrs. Helmer

Ruth Harkness Hosley

Nancy Luck

Frank & Rosetta Newton

Nancy Stuhlmiller


In Memory of Earl Remington 

Judy and Roni Lee Willett 


In Memory of Lucille Polzin 

Gernatt Asphalt Products


In Memory of Henry L. Willett Jr. 


Al & Chassi Anderson

Nick & Ruth Belik

Ronald & Nancy Bidlespacher

Scott Bieler

Neil and Georgianne Bowman

Chase Brooks

Evan Brooks

John & Brenda Brooks

Merton & Jessie Congdon

Leonard & Joan Davies

LaVerne Donner

George & Beverly Evans

Torgeir & Mary Fadum

Harold & Barbara Farrar

Donald and Carol Felber

Mary Foster

Norman, Betty & Joe Gern

Harold & Olga Givens

Gail & Joyce Harkness

Mary Lou Havens

Rosemary Kersten

Marianne Kleiner

Ronald & Cheryl Larson

Ken Lawton family

Charles and Joan Lighthart

Thomas & Ruth Luthringer

Franklin & Rosanne McKee

Stirling & Jean Muck

Trish Perkins

Jean & Clarence Peters

Bonnie Preischel

Michael & Lenoir Randall

John & Monica Reid

Diane Reynolds

Robert & Jean Robbins

Robert & Mickey Ross

Philip Schmitz & Mary Ellen Skora

The Schunk Family

James and Dollie Snyder

Walter & Margie Sutton

Randolph Swickle

Cay-Lee Vigneri

Alexandria Wild

David & Arlene Willett

Judith Willett

Roni Lee Willett