The significant
progress realized on the Schoolhouse #8 "Restoration / Museum Project"
has resulted from the combined support of Memorial Funds,
Government, Individuals, Businesses, Churches, Educational
Institutions, Professional Organizations, Volunteer Organizations,
and the Schoolhouse #8 Board of Trustees. The substantial financial
support received via the following Memorial Funds was critical in
ensuring the financial viability of the project. Those funds came
Memory of Doris Harkness Reiser
Shirley Beyer |
Carol & Don Gebhardt |
Gail & Joyce Harkness |
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hayden |
Mrs. Helmer |
Ruth Harkness Hosley |
Nancy Luck |
Frank & Rosetta Newton |
Nancy Stuhlmiller
Memory of Earl Remington
Judy and Roni Lee Willett
Memory of Lucille Polzin
Gernatt Asphalt Products |
Memory of Henry L. Willett Jr. |
Al & Chassi Anderson |
Nick & Ruth Belik |
Ronald & Nancy Bidlespacher |
Scott Bieler |
Neil and Georgianne Bowman |
Chase Brooks |
Evan Brooks |
John & Brenda Brooks |
Merton & Jessie Congdon |
Leonard & Joan Davies |
LaVerne Donner |
George & Beverly Evans |
Torgeir & Mary Fadum |
Harold & Barbara Farrar |
Donald and Carol Felber |
Mary Foster |
Norman, Betty & Joe Gern |
Harold & Olga Givens |
Gail & Joyce Harkness |
Mary Lou Havens |
Rosemary Kersten |
Marianne Kleiner |
Ronald & Cheryl Larson |
Ken Lawton family |
Charles and Joan Lighthart |
Thomas & Ruth Luthringer |
Franklin & Rosanne McKee |
Stirling & Jean Muck |
Trish Perkins |
Jean & Clarence Peters |
Bonnie Preischel |
Michael & Lenoir Randall |
John & Monica Reid |
Diane Reynolds |
Robert & Jean Robbins |
Robert & Mickey Ross |
Philip Schmitz & Mary Ellen Skora |
The Schunk Family |
James and Dollie Snyder |
Walter & Margie Sutton |
Randolph Swickle |
Cay-Lee Vigneri |
Alexandria Wild |
David & Arlene Willett |
Judith Willett |
Roni Lee Willett